Oak Trousers
Story from the maker:
I often visit the same trees in the park—it feels like visiting a quiet friend. I collect leaves gently shaken loose by the wind, always asking for permission and thanking the tree for its gift. These leaves then become part of the fabric-dyeing process.
The oak tree holds a special place in many cultures and traditions, symbolizing resilience and a deep connection to higher entities. Across the world, trees are revered as sacred symbols of life, wisdom, and strength—powerful reminders of our shared bond with nature and the universe.
Hand-dyed trousers with oak leavs collected in Victoria Park, London. Sewn, designs hand dyed in our Cave Studio. Please allow 2 weeks to recive, after the order.
Plant-dyed clothes are gentle on the planet and your skin.
- Purchasing this troursers you have free mending sessions, and after with 10% disscount, check out - repurpused wodrobe
End-of-Life Cycle Service
We're excited to introduce our new End-of-Life Cycle Service! If you ever decide to part with your trousers, please reach out to us. You can send them back for repurposing or proper recycling—ensuring nothing goes to waste.
Materials: 100% organic cotton
Plant based dye